Sep 21, 2011

Demi Lovato is UNBROKEN.

 ...It was really difficult because, one side i had my family and my closest friends telling me, you need to go to treatment and then i had the pressure of some people like didn't really care. Luckily those people are outta my life now, those people, i dont speak to them they, outta my life, and i'm in such a good place now, that i can definitely like rid out those people that coming on my team who doesnt care about me, they're out, ye know what i mean.My health and my recovery comes first and everyone on my team knows that and when it starts to get too much i said "woo slow down, i'm working way too much" and they'll slow it down. 

Well, one of reasons the reasons why i became so outspoken when i decided to come out of treatment and talk about my issue is, When i grew up and i was dealing with the pressure to be thin, it was the time on the tabloid when very very skinny girls were on cover on every magazine, and that was what i looking up to. So that what i had to idolized, i dont want that for young girls to idolized. It is very unhealthy. There was nobody out there for me to look at and say "ye know maybe this is unhealthy, maybe starving myself isn't the answer. So i want to be that, for a thirteen year old deciding wether or not to eat dinner or a eighteen years old deciding wether or not to keep her breakfast down. They need a role model out there, and for the first time in my life, i actually feel like one

Wow, she is darn amazing. So inspirational! I'm so happy for her album #UNBROKEN.
I've heard #UNBROKEN is the no1 album on itunes within just hours of it release.
She deserves it, her voice is incredible.
Love her.

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